Chapter 30: The Permanent Center Of GravityWithout there being a genuine individuality, it is impossible to have continuity of purpose.
If the psychological individual does not exist, if in each of us there live many people, if there is no responsible individual, it is absurd to expect continuity of purpose from someone. We know full well that within a person live many people, and therefore, a clear sense of responsibility does not really exist in us. |
We cannot accredit any seriousness to what a particular “I” says in a given moment by virtue of the concrete fact that another “I” may say exactly the opposite in some other moment.
Most serious of all is that many people believe they possess a sense of moral responsibility, and deceive themselves by claiming to be always the same.
There are people who, at some moment in their lives, come to the Gnostic Studies, radiant with eagerness, enthused with the esoteric work, and even swear to consecrate the whole of their existence to these questions.
Unquestionably, all the brothers and sisters of our movement even come to admire such an enthusiast.
One cannot but feel great happiness listening to such people, so devoted and absolutely sincere.
The idyll, however, does not last very long. One day, for some reason, just or unjust, simple or complex, the person leaves Gnosis, thus abandoning the work. To set things right, or trying to justify himself, he joins another mystical organization and thinks then, that he is doing better.
All this coming and going, all this incessant changing of schools, sects, and religions is due to the multiplicity of “I’s” within us, which struggle among themselves for their own supremacy.
Since each “I” has its own criteria, its own mind, its own ideas, this changing of opinion, this constant fluttering about between organizations, from ideal to ideal, is absolutely normal.
The person himself, is nothing more than a machine, that just as easily serves as a vehicle for one “I” as for another.
Some mystical “I’s” deceive themselves after having abandoned one or another sect, and end up believing themselves to be Gods. They shine like fatuous lights, and finally disappear.
There are people who appear for a moment in the esoteric work, and then, in the instant that another “I” intervenes, they completely abandon these studies and allow themselves to be swallowed up by life.
Obviously, if one does not struggle against life, one is devoured by it, and rare are the aspirants who really do not allow themselves to be swallowed by life.
With such a multiplicity of “I’s” existing within us, a permanent center of gravity is unable to exist.
It is absolutely normal that not everybody intimately self-realizes. We know very well that the intimate Self-Realization of our Being demands continuity of purpose.
And since it’s very difficult to find someone who has a permanent center of gravity, it is not strange therefore, that it’s rare for a person to achieve profound inner Self-Realization.
Normally, someone becomes enthusiastic about the esoteric work and later abandons it. It is unusual for someone not to abandon the work and to reach the goal.
With certainty, and in the name of truth, we state that the Sun is conducting a very complex and difficult laboratory experiment.
Within the intellectual animal mistakenly called man, there exist seeds that, when properly developed, can convert us into solar men.
However, it is necessary to clarify that the development of these seeds is not assured. It is normal that they degenerate and are sadly lost. In any case, the above-mentioned seeds, which have to convert us into solar men need an adequate environment, for it is a well known fact that a seed in a sterile environment does not germinate, it is lost.
For the real seed of man, which is deposited in our sexual glands to be able to germinate, one needs continuity of purpose and a normal physical body.
If scientists continue experimenting with the glands of internal secretion, any possibility for development of the aforementioned seeds will be lost.
Although it may seem incredible, the ants have already passed through a similar process in a remote past epoch of our planet Earth.
One is filled with wonder contemplating the perfection of one of the palaces of the ants.
There is no doubt that there Is a formidable established order in any ant nest.
Those initiates who have awakened consciousness know, through direct mystical experience that, in times which the world’s greatest historians do not even remotely suspect, the ants were a human race that created a very powerful socialist civilization.
Then, the dictators of that species eliminated the different religious sects, and free choice, because these reduced their power, and they needed to be totalitarians in the most complete sense of the word.
Under these conditions, having eliminated individual initiative and religious freedom, the intellectual animal was precipitated down the path of involution and degeneration.
To all the above were added scientific experiments; transplanting of organs and glands, hormonal tests, etc., which resulted in the gradual diminution in size and the morphological alteration of those human organisms, until finally they became the ants that we know.
That entire civilization, all the activities related with the established social order, became mechanical, and were passed hereditarily from parent to child. Today, one is astonished at seeing an ant nest, however, one cannot but lament their lack of intelligence.
If we do not work on ourselves, we involve and degenerate horribly.
The experiment that the Sun is conducting in the laboratory of Nature, as well as being difficult, has certainly produced very few results.
It is only possible to create solar men when there is true cooperation within each one of us.
The creation of the solar Man is impossible if we do not first establish within a permanent center of gravity.
How could we have continuity of purpose if we did not establish this center of gravity in our psyches?
Certainly, any race created by the Sun has no other objective in Nature than to serve the interests of that creation, and the solar experiment.
If the Sun fails in its experiment, it loses all interest in Such a race and the latter is in fact left, condemned to destruction and involution.
Each of the races that have existed on the face of the Earth has served for the solar experiment. From each race, the Sun has achieved some triumphs, reaping small groups of
solar men.
When a race has yielded its fruits, it gradually disappears or perishes violently as a result of great catastrophes.
The creation of solar men is possible when one struggles to become independent of the lunar forces. There is no doubt that all those “I’s” that we carry in our psyche are exclusively lunar.
It would not in any way be possible to liberate ourselves from the lunar force if we did not previously establish a permanent center of gravity.
How could we dissolve the totality of the pluralized “I” without continuity of purpose? In what way could we have continuity of purpose without previously having established a permanent center of gravity in our psyche?
As the present race, instead of becoming independent of the lunar influence, has lost all interest in solar intelligence, it has unquestionably condemned itself to involution and degeneration.
It is not possible for the true Man to emerge via evolutive mechanics. We well know that evolution and her twin sister involution, are simply two laws which constitute the mechanical axis of the whole of Nature. One evolves to a certain, precisely defined point, and then the involutive process begins; every ascent is followed by a descent, and vice versa.
We are nothing but machines, controlled by different “I’s”. We serve the economy of nature. We do not have a defined individuality as many pseudo-esotericists and pseudo-occultists mistakenly suppose.
We most urgently need to change so that the seeds of man bear fruit.
Only by working on ourselves, with true continuity of purpose and a complete sense of moral responsibility, can we be transformed into solar Men. This implies the consecration of all our existence to the esoteric work on ourselves.
Those who hope to reach the solar state through the mechanics of evolution are fooling themselves and in fact, condemn themselves to involute and degenerate.
In the esoteric work, we cannot afford the luxury of vacillation. Those who have changeable ideas, those who today work on their psyche, and tomorrow allow themselves to be swallowed by life, those who seek evasions and justifications to abandon the esoteric work, will involute and degenerate.
Some postpone the error, leave everything for tomorrow while they improve their economic situation, without taking into consideration that the solar experiment is something very different from their personal viewpoint and familiar projects.
It is not so easy to become a solar Man when we carry the Moon within us (the ego is lunar.)
The Earth has two moons. The second of these is named Lilith and is located a little farther away than the white moon.
Astronomers usually see Lilith as insignificant, since it is very small in size. This is the black moon.
The most sinister forces of the ego come to the Earth from Lilith and produce psychological results that are infrahuman and bestial.
The crimes in the news, the most monstrous assassinations in history, the most unsuspected offences, etc., etc., are due to the vibratory waves of Lilith.
The double lunar influence represented in the human being through the ego which we carry within, makes of us true failures.
If we do not see the urgency of dedicating our whole existence to the work on ourselves, with the purpose of freeing ourselves from the double lunar force, we shall end up being swallowed up by the Moon, involuting, degenerating each time more and more within certain states which we could well classify as unconscious and infraconscious.
The gravest part of all this is that we do not possess true individuality. If we had a permanent center of gravity, we would really work seriously to reach the solar state.
There are so many excuses in these matters, so many evasions, so many fascinating attractions, that in fact, it is usually for this reason, almost impossible to comprehend the urgency of the esoteric work.
Nonetheless, the small margin of free will we have, and the Gnostic teachings, oriented towards practical work, are able to serve us as a basis for our noble intentions in relation to the solar experiment.
The fatuous mind does not understand what we are saying here, it reads this chapter and afterwards forgets it. Later comes another book, and then another, and finally we end up joining any institution which sells us a passport to heaven, that speaks to us more optimistically, that assures us of comfort in the beyond.
People are thus, mere marionettes controlled by invisible strings, mechanical puppets with fickle ideas and without continuity of purpose.
Most serious of all is that many people believe they possess a sense of moral responsibility, and deceive themselves by claiming to be always the same.
There are people who, at some moment in their lives, come to the Gnostic Studies, radiant with eagerness, enthused with the esoteric work, and even swear to consecrate the whole of their existence to these questions.
Unquestionably, all the brothers and sisters of our movement even come to admire such an enthusiast.
One cannot but feel great happiness listening to such people, so devoted and absolutely sincere.
The idyll, however, does not last very long. One day, for some reason, just or unjust, simple or complex, the person leaves Gnosis, thus abandoning the work. To set things right, or trying to justify himself, he joins another mystical organization and thinks then, that he is doing better.
All this coming and going, all this incessant changing of schools, sects, and religions is due to the multiplicity of “I’s” within us, which struggle among themselves for their own supremacy.
Since each “I” has its own criteria, its own mind, its own ideas, this changing of opinion, this constant fluttering about between organizations, from ideal to ideal, is absolutely normal.
The person himself, is nothing more than a machine, that just as easily serves as a vehicle for one “I” as for another.
Some mystical “I’s” deceive themselves after having abandoned one or another sect, and end up believing themselves to be Gods. They shine like fatuous lights, and finally disappear.
There are people who appear for a moment in the esoteric work, and then, in the instant that another “I” intervenes, they completely abandon these studies and allow themselves to be swallowed up by life.
Obviously, if one does not struggle against life, one is devoured by it, and rare are the aspirants who really do not allow themselves to be swallowed by life.
With such a multiplicity of “I’s” existing within us, a permanent center of gravity is unable to exist.
It is absolutely normal that not everybody intimately self-realizes. We know very well that the intimate Self-Realization of our Being demands continuity of purpose.
And since it’s very difficult to find someone who has a permanent center of gravity, it is not strange therefore, that it’s rare for a person to achieve profound inner Self-Realization.
Normally, someone becomes enthusiastic about the esoteric work and later abandons it. It is unusual for someone not to abandon the work and to reach the goal.
With certainty, and in the name of truth, we state that the Sun is conducting a very complex and difficult laboratory experiment.
Within the intellectual animal mistakenly called man, there exist seeds that, when properly developed, can convert us into solar men.
However, it is necessary to clarify that the development of these seeds is not assured. It is normal that they degenerate and are sadly lost. In any case, the above-mentioned seeds, which have to convert us into solar men need an adequate environment, for it is a well known fact that a seed in a sterile environment does not germinate, it is lost.
For the real seed of man, which is deposited in our sexual glands to be able to germinate, one needs continuity of purpose and a normal physical body.
If scientists continue experimenting with the glands of internal secretion, any possibility for development of the aforementioned seeds will be lost.
Although it may seem incredible, the ants have already passed through a similar process in a remote past epoch of our planet Earth.
One is filled with wonder contemplating the perfection of one of the palaces of the ants.
There is no doubt that there Is a formidable established order in any ant nest.
Those initiates who have awakened consciousness know, through direct mystical experience that, in times which the world’s greatest historians do not even remotely suspect, the ants were a human race that created a very powerful socialist civilization.
Then, the dictators of that species eliminated the different religious sects, and free choice, because these reduced their power, and they needed to be totalitarians in the most complete sense of the word.
Under these conditions, having eliminated individual initiative and religious freedom, the intellectual animal was precipitated down the path of involution and degeneration.
To all the above were added scientific experiments; transplanting of organs and glands, hormonal tests, etc., which resulted in the gradual diminution in size and the morphological alteration of those human organisms, until finally they became the ants that we know.
That entire civilization, all the activities related with the established social order, became mechanical, and were passed hereditarily from parent to child. Today, one is astonished at seeing an ant nest, however, one cannot but lament their lack of intelligence.
If we do not work on ourselves, we involve and degenerate horribly.
The experiment that the Sun is conducting in the laboratory of Nature, as well as being difficult, has certainly produced very few results.
It is only possible to create solar men when there is true cooperation within each one of us.
The creation of the solar Man is impossible if we do not first establish within a permanent center of gravity.
How could we have continuity of purpose if we did not establish this center of gravity in our psyches?
Certainly, any race created by the Sun has no other objective in Nature than to serve the interests of that creation, and the solar experiment.
If the Sun fails in its experiment, it loses all interest in Such a race and the latter is in fact left, condemned to destruction and involution.
Each of the races that have existed on the face of the Earth has served for the solar experiment. From each race, the Sun has achieved some triumphs, reaping small groups of
solar men.
When a race has yielded its fruits, it gradually disappears or perishes violently as a result of great catastrophes.
The creation of solar men is possible when one struggles to become independent of the lunar forces. There is no doubt that all those “I’s” that we carry in our psyche are exclusively lunar.
It would not in any way be possible to liberate ourselves from the lunar force if we did not previously establish a permanent center of gravity.
How could we dissolve the totality of the pluralized “I” without continuity of purpose? In what way could we have continuity of purpose without previously having established a permanent center of gravity in our psyche?
As the present race, instead of becoming independent of the lunar influence, has lost all interest in solar intelligence, it has unquestionably condemned itself to involution and degeneration.
It is not possible for the true Man to emerge via evolutive mechanics. We well know that evolution and her twin sister involution, are simply two laws which constitute the mechanical axis of the whole of Nature. One evolves to a certain, precisely defined point, and then the involutive process begins; every ascent is followed by a descent, and vice versa.
We are nothing but machines, controlled by different “I’s”. We serve the economy of nature. We do not have a defined individuality as many pseudo-esotericists and pseudo-occultists mistakenly suppose.
We most urgently need to change so that the seeds of man bear fruit.
Only by working on ourselves, with true continuity of purpose and a complete sense of moral responsibility, can we be transformed into solar Men. This implies the consecration of all our existence to the esoteric work on ourselves.
Those who hope to reach the solar state through the mechanics of evolution are fooling themselves and in fact, condemn themselves to involute and degenerate.
In the esoteric work, we cannot afford the luxury of vacillation. Those who have changeable ideas, those who today work on their psyche, and tomorrow allow themselves to be swallowed by life, those who seek evasions and justifications to abandon the esoteric work, will involute and degenerate.
Some postpone the error, leave everything for tomorrow while they improve their economic situation, without taking into consideration that the solar experiment is something very different from their personal viewpoint and familiar projects.
It is not so easy to become a solar Man when we carry the Moon within us (the ego is lunar.)
The Earth has two moons. The second of these is named Lilith and is located a little farther away than the white moon.
Astronomers usually see Lilith as insignificant, since it is very small in size. This is the black moon.
The most sinister forces of the ego come to the Earth from Lilith and produce psychological results that are infrahuman and bestial.
The crimes in the news, the most monstrous assassinations in history, the most unsuspected offences, etc., etc., are due to the vibratory waves of Lilith.
The double lunar influence represented in the human being through the ego which we carry within, makes of us true failures.
If we do not see the urgency of dedicating our whole existence to the work on ourselves, with the purpose of freeing ourselves from the double lunar force, we shall end up being swallowed up by the Moon, involuting, degenerating each time more and more within certain states which we could well classify as unconscious and infraconscious.
The gravest part of all this is that we do not possess true individuality. If we had a permanent center of gravity, we would really work seriously to reach the solar state.
There are so many excuses in these matters, so many evasions, so many fascinating attractions, that in fact, it is usually for this reason, almost impossible to comprehend the urgency of the esoteric work.
Nonetheless, the small margin of free will we have, and the Gnostic teachings, oriented towards practical work, are able to serve us as a basis for our noble intentions in relation to the solar experiment.
The fatuous mind does not understand what we are saying here, it reads this chapter and afterwards forgets it. Later comes another book, and then another, and finally we end up joining any institution which sells us a passport to heaven, that speaks to us more optimistically, that assures us of comfort in the beyond.
People are thus, mere marionettes controlled by invisible strings, mechanical puppets with fickle ideas and without continuity of purpose.