"Silence is a decisive factor in the work of concentration. The Law of Silence is the basis of all initial teachings, since it permits a virgin space for an inner creation. Universal Gnosticism teaches that if we want to reach the development of something real in our psyche, we must learn to isolate ourselves within our intimate depths through inner silence and by conserving energy.
Watch the silence in the silence of your mind, and pray to your Father who is in secret, and you will find the peace of concentration." V.M. Huiracocha
Silence as such does not exist, since all movement is coessential to sound and everything vibrates through the rhythm of the ebb and flow produced by the one consciousness. Silence in and of itself is the product of a high vibration of the consciousness.
Take a comfortable posture in order to relax the body and the mind with the technique of breathing.
Let’s concentrate on the heart…
Now with deep inhalations and exhalations, while keeping the mouth closed, fill the lungs with air really well; hold it for a few seconds, then exhale.
Concentrate the mind now on the limitless void of the Universe… think; reflect on the silence of this immense void.
Fill this immense and infinite silence with the power of prayer.
Keep in mind that to pray is to speak with God; the Word that is born from the heart communicates and connects us.
“Keep watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”
Mantra: OMNIS JAUM INTIMO (seven times)
Try to comprehend the following phrase, “Infinite repose and infinite activity have their point of contact in the silence.” The silent speaking of the heart will give you the answer.
Having comprehended the previous statement, let’s pray for others so that they may be cured. If we wish for wisdom, health, prosperity, etc., let’s pray for others, that way the benefit will be doubled, others will benefit and we will too.
May all beings be happy... May all beings be joyful... May all beings be in peace… (three times)
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